SM23 (& LW105) Forrestfield Road to Blackridge

UPDATED: June 2020

This route begins at Forrestfield Road at NS 85300 67500. There is no signpost indicating that this is a right of way although there is a sign WARNING that CCTV is in use.

SM23 Start

The track is wide and used by vehicles, and is in fairly good condition. It heads north east-ish for around 700m to Westfield Farm, at NS 85800 67800. Right of way SM23 ends here and the remainder of the route becomes right of way LW105.

SM23 Gate at Westfield Farm

Going round the farm the aggregate track goes north and is blocked by a gate (unlocked) and 150m beyond this are two gates, one blocking the track and another to the side giving access to walkers and cyclists. At the time of this survey there was a horse being kept between the two gates.

Large gate with horse pen. Walkers gate to the left of the picture.

Gate for pedestrian access.

Some people may find this off putting however it is perfectly legal and I passed through without incident. The track then heads east. The track is wide and fenced with wire fencing with barbed wire on both sides.

Barbed wire and electric fence along a right of way.

The path continues for around 900m, rising up to a bend in the track at grid NS 867 679.

Gate across the path and step for horse riders.

The path had been blocked by a 6ft wire fence on my last survey, however this has now been replaced with a user friendly gate with steps for horse riders to mount and dismount.

Detail of access gate

The gravel track then goes south to Raiziehill (to the right of the picture), but LW105 continues east (straight on) through a secured gate.

Straight on for Blawhorn Moss

Gate now left open for horse access?

The next 700m section of track is very muddy and rutted due to recent forestry planting, and passes through a vehicular gate at NS 871 677. The track then heads east to a crossroad track junction north of Bedlormie, at NS 874 676 where a new gate has been erected. It is not locked.

Just before the car park at Blawhorn Moss there is a gate which is marked “Private Road – Authorised Vehicles Only”. Access rights do apply over this track.

Private Road?

Information board at Blawhorn Moss car park.

Continue east 300m along the gravel track to the car park at Blawhorn Moss at NS 878 676. The right of way continues downhill 550m along a potholed tarmac road, to end on the A89 at NS 880 670. There is no right of way sign here.

3 Responses to SM23 (& LW105) Forrestfield Road to Blackridge

  1. Pingback: SM23 (&LW105) Forrestfield Road to Blackridge | The Airdrie Rambler

  2. Good to hear people taking an interest in Scotland’s Right of Ways! I’m a Countryside Ranger and responsible for patrolling this route, the last time I did so was about 3 months ago, and the fence and gate weren’t there. Do you know if the blocking fence has been approved?

  3. James Cassidy says:

    I’ve no idea. I’ve contacted West Lothian Council and Scotways and made them aware. West Lothian Council do not have a full time access officer and as yet I’ve had no acknowledgement.

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