SM22- Plains to Raiziehill (Airdrie to Bathgate Cyclepath)

The section of cyclepath from Drumgelloch to Plains has been removed, to get to the start of the route from Drumgelloch follow the main road, the A89.

The route now begins east of Plains just past over the road bridge at NS 80100 67100.

The initial signposting is well hidden. It also indicates the pavement should be used as no dedicated cyclepath is provided. The pavement is barely wide enough, and is entirely unsuitable for cycle trailers.

Start, just off A89

A new tarmacadam path heads north on the right hand side of the North Calder Water for 200m before heading in an easterly direction.

The newly laid path

And an older bridge

It passes under an old railway overbridge at NS 803 674, before heading north east, running parallel with the new railway line until NS 808 677, where it crosses an access road.

The path crosses an access road, beware of traffic

It then runs parallel with the railway on the north side, passing through an underbridge at NS 813 678, and running parallel uphill to the top of the hill to the railway bridge at NS 818 677.

New path, same old graffittiUnderbridge

At this point the path picks up ROW SM13 for around 100m, to Main Street.

Caldercruix and Longriggend Parish Church, the route passes here.Main Street, Caldercruix

The route is now on road, along Main Street, passing the entrance to Caldercruix Railway Station, and across the railway bridge, along Main Street to cross the B825 and the start of SM14.

The route follows SM14 from the bottom of Gowanbrae

The route then follows SM14 south east, across the burn via the new bridge, and uphill. Just before the new railway bridge, at NS 826 674 the path heads off to the left of the bridge, and goes uphill, behind the clubhouse for the yachting club.

The cyclepath goes left here

It then runs between the south shore of the reservoir and the railway for around 2km, undulating for the second half of this section before dropping down to the clubhouse of Airdrie Angling Club.

Along the south shore of the lochLooking back west to the clubhouse and car park